Where education is leading our conscious evolution . .
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Fwd: Co-Creation Circle for Peace
Subject:Co-Creation Circle for Peace
Hi Rafé,
When Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we knew it would not be an easy task. But we felt compelled to say "Yes" and trust the guidance we were receiving from the Higher Realms.
Since that time, Anne has published her mother's channeled messages that she began receiving in 1943 during World War II, and which continued for 25 years. They repeatedly warned of a catastrophe if humanity did not change course and if men did not desist from further interference with nature and the creation of ever more deadly weapons, including nuclear and biological weapons. The book is available on Amazon and titled, Messages from a Transcendent Dimension.
What began as an attempt to try to awaken the hearts of mothers and grandmothers to put an end to this "barbarous sacrificial ritual" by saying "This Stops Now" has expanded to include all of humanity, for we need everyone to come together if we hope to succeed.
This is a movement that impacts all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your race, culture, religion, politics – war and violence deeply affect you.
You have a vested interest in and an inherent right to enjoy a life that is free from suffering!
As the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed toco-creating a New Future for all.
That's why we have scheduled a total of 4 gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace. Our first was held in June and included presentations from women leading the way toward New Earth including Anneloes Smitsman, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Teri Angel, MarBeth Dunn, Laura George, and Sheila Cash. If you missed the event here's a link to the recording…
Our guest speakers include Sommer Joy Ramer from the SINE Network, Irina Morrison from Unity Earth, and Steve Gardiner presenting the Peace Mantra. We'll have plenty of time for audience participation and receive updates from our circle leaders.
We invite you to join this powerful movement whose time has come:
A Woman-Led Movement to end all war and violence on the planet and establish Peace on Earth.
It's a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-ution. Please join us and invite others!
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