Saturday, May 7, 2022

The CSS May 2022 ❤️ The Town Crier - Newsletter - Center for Sacred Studies Community


The Town Crier - A Newsletter for the
Center for Sacred Studies Community
Become a Minister of Walking Prayer
through the Center for Sacred Studies (CSS)

We are at a time of great change on the planet. Old systems are collapsing everywhere we look and all paths are guiding us to the original ways of living sustainably and in relationship with Mother Earth. The ones being called to this path are working together to dream a new world into being. A world where imagination, intuition and compassion are vital skills in working together to bring this dream into form.

Class starting June 1st, 2022! 
Registration is open until May 20th!
Payment plans available
2 year online Ministry Program
Center for Sacred Studies
Newest staff members of the Center for Sacred Studies Family
Dear Community,
It is with great excitement that we introduce our newest staff members of the Center for Sacred Studies Family! Each brings a dedication of service and expertise and excited to share their gifts with our community! We are excited to have a new seat as well – for our Youth!! Welcome!!
Audrey Reed – Executive Director
Beloveds - It is an honor to be of service to the community and to be called to sit in the Interim Executive Director seat. I came into the Center for Sacred Studies, Kayumari Community in 1998, graduating from the Stargate Mystery School, Maitri Breathwork Facilitator and Ministry of Walking Prayer/Blue Deer Clan ( as both student and mentor). I have traveled the world with the community; serving the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and now accompany The Mother Earth Delegation.
This seat within the community is a grace for me, a graduate of Peace Theology Seminary and College of Philosophy, in Santa Monica, CA. and as a business, SR VP and company owner. Later, after an early retirement, I was called to reinvent myself as the Logistical Director for Tech companies onsite large events. These steps have all lead me to this place and space in time.
We, as a community continue to evolve, creating infinite ways for The Mother to express Herself through us. As in all evolution, there will be changes and updates that will bring smiles to your faces, an invitation to join in as you are always a part of the community growing itself into a deeper maturity, expanding in our hearts.
In Grace with Blessings of Light
Audrey Reed, Doctor of Spiritual Sciences
Minister of Walking Prayer
Executive Director
Center for Sacred Studies 
Tatiana Berindei – Community Engagement Director
Greetings beloved CSS community! I am delighted to be stepping into this new seat of Community Engagement Director. I have been walking with CSS since 2011 and became a Minister of Walking Prayer in 2013 with the Water clan. Ordained with my first daughter at the breast, my walking prayer ever since has been to be a fierce advocate for the sacredness of the Mother in all aspects of life. Since ordination, I have walked with three different ministry classes as a mentor and served as the Mothership program coordinator. Outside of CSS I have been working as a spiritual coach and podcast host with Super Power Experts. 
In taking on this new role with CSS, it is my intention to better serve the Divine Mother's instruction to help weave us all into a thriving, more united community of global prayer - with and for the earth and all her beings. I am looking forward to bringing my experience, vision, and gifts gleaned from my entrepreneurial journey to the Community Engagement Director seat so that we may continue to deepen our feeling of connection with each other and with this global prayer of unity.
Anjli Tantod - Finance  
Goal-oriented finance professional with over 20 years of financial expertise, primarily focused on formulating strategic initiatives for organizations.  
Through positive action and dedication to worthy causes I am grateful to be part of CSS's stellar team that is doing essential work to serve and preserve sacred traditions for an international community. 
Thank you! Anjli
And a new seat, bringing in the voices and hearts for our Youth
Emma Rose – Next 7 Generations Youth Seat
Greetings! My name is Emma Rose, and I am blessed to be holding space for our Youth in a new seat. My experience with the CSS community began when I was just 13 years old during my first Children's Stargate. I continued coming back to each year until I turned 18. My mom, Theresa Rose, has helped me get connected and stay connected with the community, and I'm beyond grateful for the tools I've gathered and experiences I've had thanks to CSS. It is my goal to bridge the gap between the adults in the community and their children, as well as helping the next 7 generations get connected to their peers and mentors. Thank you all for this opportunity!! Sincerely, Emma 
Center for Sacred Studies
— PrayerLine —

Monday, May 9, 2022
7:30 AM PDT

"Prayers for World Peace"
A Sacred Space of Silence

*Mondays at 7:30 AM PDT Zoom

Thank you for your continued prayers for Ukraine, for Russia and for all the Countries, Nations and People suffering from war and conflict around Mother Earth!

Passcode: peace
— MotherShip Program —

May 11, 2022

Fireside Chat with Jyoti Ma

provides an opportunity to connect in a sacred way with Jyoti for information, questions, or guidance.
— Ministry Training Program —

May 12th, 2022

Q&A Ministry Training Program

with Darlene Hunter,
CSS Spiritual Director

We invite you to come with your questions and learn more about the Ministry Training Program. On June 1st, 2022 the Ministry Training Program Class of 2024 will take their first steps on a life-changing journey of learning and self-discovery. Will you be part of this adventure?
— Mother Earth Delegation —

May 21st, 2022

Next call with
The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

Hear the wisdom shared by a delegation of elders who come with directions from Mother Earth to help us walk through these times of great chaos and change.
Center for Sacred Studies
Stargate Mystery School
Discover the alchemical process that meets you where you are and helps you to realign with your soul's purpose to be your most authentic self.

The core teachings shared in this study are the principles that created a global community rich in relationship and over 30 years.

This class is a series of five retreat weekends designed to explore the realm of subtle energies through experiential processes. The Stargate curriculum draws upon breathwork, transpersonal psychology, sound healing, and meditation techniques to delve into the Mystery.

We are excited to be offering Stargate again after this time of quiet. Our prayers continue to hold for us to meet in person again!

Dates are planned for October 2022; December 2022; February 2023;
April 2023; and June 2023

Registration will open soon!.

Questions? Send an email
News from our friends
From Me to We
A six week Learning Journey!
The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations!
Recorded on April 16, 2022!
Center for Sacred Studies
Earth and Spirit Online Store
Egg Jasper Supreme Nurturer
Artisan Palo Santo & White Sage Resin Sticks (6 sticks pack)
Sacred Earth Oracle
Don't forget that Mothership Members receive 10% off all purchases from the CSS Online Store! Use your discount code!
Want more information?
Valerie Hausmann
Get a free account!

Savings & Sales!
Your purchases at over 2300 stores mean donations for
Center for Sacred Studies
Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select "Center for Sacred Studies Morningstar Foundation" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us.

How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "Center for Sacred Studies Morningstar Foundation" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app
Thank you for your continued support over the years.
Your donation supports our common prayer for Peace and Unity, and makes possible the worldwide efforts of our staff and volunteers.
The Center for Sacred Studies is dedicated to sustaining ways of life, based on collaboration and reciprocity with the Earth and all Her beings.

The seeds of the Center for Sacred Studies were first planted in 1995 in our intentional community, Kayumari. We joined together at that time to live together, to raise our children, to create a safe place for prayer while nurturing our relation to the Divine and to this wondrous creation.

Our non-profit 501(c)(3) root, the Center for Sacred Studies, took hold in 2001 to protect our ways of prayer. This created a collaboration with the Global Community to serve our Earth-Based Initiatives, to honor our ceremonies in our Sanctuary, and to inspire with our Global University through our Ministry and Educational programs.

We continue, through the decades, to unite with people in many countries around the world growing our prayer for the next seven generations!
Join us on this sacred journey as a walking prayer for Mother Earth.