When Anne Baring and I decided to embark on a bold initiative to end all war and violence on the planet, we knew it would not be an easy task. But we felt compelled to say "Yes" and trust the guidance we were receiving from the Higher Realms.
Since that time, Anne has published her mother's channeled messages that she began receiving in 1943 during World War II, and which continued for 25 years. They repeatedly warned of a catastrophe if humanity did not change course and if men did not desist from further interference with nature and the creation of ever more deadly weapons, including nuclear and biological weapons. The book is available on Amazon and titled, Messages from a Transcendent Dimension.
What began as an attempt to try to awaken the hearts of mothers and grandmothers to put an end to this "barbarous sacrificial ritual" by saying "This Stops Now" has expanded to include all of humanity, for we need everyone to come together if we hope to succeed.
This is a movement that impacts all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your race, culture, religion, politics – war and violence deeply affect you.
You have a vested interest in and an inherent right to enjoy a life that is free from suffering!
As the Divine Feminine Rises on the planet, we recognize the power in forming collaborations with others who are awakened and committed toco-creating a New Future for all.
That's why we have scheduled a total of 4 gatherings during the 99 Days of Peace. Our first was held in June and included presentations from women leading the way toward New Earth including Anneloes Smitsman, Heather Elizabeth Neary, Teri Angel, MarBeth Dunn, Laura George, and Sheila Cash. If you missed the event here's a link to the recording…
Our guest speakers include Sommer Joy Ramer from the SINE Network, Irina Morrison from Unity Earth, and Steve Gardiner presenting the Peace Mantra. We'll have plenty of time for audience participation and receive updates from our circle leaders.
We invite you to join this powerful movement whose time has come:
A Woman-Led Movement to end all war and violence on the planet and establish Peace on Earth.
It's a great opportunity to discover how you can begin right now, during this most AWE-spicious time on the planet, to be part of the Soul-ution. Please join us and invite others!
This attached email is what I sent to Sharon Joy. I had taken this course when working at the Patel college. The Dean asked me about setting up more courses. I suggested sometime digital or online and decided to checkout a MOOC (massive open online course). I was literally in the very first one, wicked cool!
When I got this announcement to make more, Sharon and I started one with Russell Meyer and USF in St Pete.
I can do this again with you if you want to.
This would be better time-use than Flouride. The Hitler craziness is extensive and dangerous. If you accept the truth and get clean, that's what matters. Data and research here has killed many, and lost hundreds:
u-lab 1x 2023opens in just over a month - onAugust 31st. Are you considering organizing with others to join you on the journey?
If so, the u-lab team is offering a limited amount of live activation calls between now and the course launch. The first one will be this upcomingWednesday,July 19, at 10am ET(UTC-4) for 60 minutes.
If you're considering hosting a group / hub through the u-lab journey this year and not sure where to get started, or you have more detailed questions about next steps or planning - this activation call is for you. Whether you're an experienced hub host, or even joining u-lab for the first time and just want to invite a couple colleagues to enroll with you - this zoom gathering is designed to support you.
Over the course of an hour - through practices, breakout groups, and generative discussions - you'll have the chance to
Center and clarifywhy you want to organize a group this year, and what that looks like for you,
Connect with othersin the global community,
Hear and learnfrom hub hosts and organizers about their past experiences and what they're working on this year,
Shareyour ideas, questions, and findings,
Andget orientedaround the available tools and resources, as well as the new changes to u-lab.
The Meeting begins at 10am ET (UTC-4) on Jul 19, 2023.
(7am San Francisco • 8am Guatemala City • 11am Sao Paulo • 4pm Berlin
7:30pm Mumbai • 10pm Taipei • 11pm Tokyo)
This meeting will be hosted by Antoinette Klatzky and Stefan Day.Pease don't hesitate to reach out to us atu-lab@presencing.org. We look forward to your participation.
-- the u-lab team
Looking to enroll?
u-lab 1x registrations are now open:
We are delighted to inform you that registrations foru-lab 1x: Leading from the Emerging Futureis now open both onMITxandu-school.The program will leverage both these online spaces, as in previous years. The course opens onAug 31stand our first global live session will be onSept 14th.
**The u-lab 1x course and all materials are available atno cost. The option exists to pursue a verified certificate from MITx for a fee of $99. Click "Enroll Now"button and join for free, while the option to pursue a verified certificate from MITx for a fee of $99 will be prompted after the enrollment.
PI is a nonprofit, and our free offerings are dependent on the generous support of our community.
KNOWLEDGE is the key to ensuring that humanity NEVER again goes through the terror and horrors we've endured - and many did not survive - with "covid-19". Or "HIV/AIDS".
With the vast body of precious, life-saving knowledge that's on offer through The End of Covid, we have the very, very real possibility of ensuring that never again are people left to die alone, terrified, neglected, abused, with their loved ones locked down and barred from visiting, barred from comforting, assisting, holding their hand.
There was no need for that. Or any of the absurdities and miseries of "covid-19".
You can turn that frown upside down! We all have those calls where a problem can feel
insignificant compared to other concerns. Maybe even compared to our own. Today, I have an amazing example of an opportunity where we helped someone count their blessings. As you read, remember that this call was handled with gentle concern and compassion.
The other day a woman called the Prayer Line because she was emotionally distraught
about an automobile accident she was in the previous day. That afternoon, she called
her employer to inform them she could not get out of bed and called the Prayer Line.
After hearing about the accident, Sherry, our prayer minister, tried to determine how to
pray with her and asked if the woman had been taken to the hospital, how serious her
injuries were, etc.
"No injuries," replied the caller. Sherry asked if her car was totaled. "No, the vehicle is
being repaired;" so Sherry concluded she had nothing to drive. "No, I have a rental."
After asking if she was at fault and had insurance, the woman replied, "No, the driver pulled out in front of me, and my insurance is paying for my car to be repaired and for the rental."
Sherry then exclaimed, "PRAISE GOD! You're calling me with a praise report! You
were not injured, your car is being repaired, you have a rental, your insurance is paying
for everything, and the accident was not your fault! PRAISE GOD!" The caller said, "Oh my, you're right! I'm OK! Praise God!" Sherry then led her in a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for HIS hand of protection. The caller then said, "Wow...I'm already out of bed and feeling better!" Sherry concluded the call with encouragement to keep praising Jesus.
These are things we do every day without even realizing the great work we do. Often
the referral team receives a distress call that someone is on the verge of suicide. We
immediately call back and discover their perspective has changed due to the love,
concern, and prayer you showed them. We can affect their attitude and help them see
His loving care so the caller can trust Jesus and be healed.
How exciting that you and Jesus are working together on the Lord's Prayer Line. You are doing mighty, eternal work for Him. We are so proud to serve Jesus together!
Love you all dearly,
To access our various resources and prayer opportunities, click the buttons below.
June In Review
Thank you for faithfully serving Him every day, every week, every month!
Each week, our volunteers host prayer groups and we encourage you to join one. These uplifting times of prayer are on the phone, so no matter where you are, you can participate. To join, dial the corresponding group phone number, enter the code, and you will be connected. We look forward to praying together!
Remember Our Online Prayer Centers!
We encourage you to take a few minutes and visit your online radio station's prayer center HERE. After praying, click the heart to let them know you prayed. This part of our ministry is a powerful way to connect our compassion with His Heart!
Veronica Amaya
Victoria Archuleta
Keith Bailey
Christie Bertie
Madeline Bile
Marilyn Brown
Michael Brownlee
Luwana Burkey
Tracy Cantrell
CodyAnn Catlin
Rita Cole
Lissandra Colon-Velez
Amanda Crawford
Sarah Dahlstrom
Markie Darling
Nedia Davis
Lisa DiGiovanni
Andy Dill
Branden Elwell
Marcella Erving
Shane Farrell
Cheri Few
Alex Floyd
Don Frisbie
Elaine Gallagher
Rosilyn Gborogen
Jim Hendry
Ayrica Hopkins
Neka Howard
Nicholas Hubbard
Arthashika Hughes
Tim Johnson
Lisa Jorgenson
Stephanie Kennedy
Andrew Kyabasinga
Jaidyn LaBorde
Phoebe Leckman
Veronica Life
Martika Logan
Jerri Magee
Bindu Marchand
Bill McCarthy
Roger Mills
Doreen Milhouse
Anette Oquendo
Shelia Owens
Chris Osgood
Karen Palmu
Tony Perez
Leah Perry
Kim Pierro
Donna Powell
Gene Ramos
Judy Ricks
Kim Ryan
Miriam Santiago
Debbie Schraugher
Leah Service
Kathy Sites
Elizabeth Skirbo
Abbey Gail Smith
Tracie Smith
Ashley Staley
Mary Thistle
Diana Vandich
Deb Williams
Johnny Willis
Joe Zummo
Copyright (C) 2023 RTN Prayer & Crisis Network. All rights reserved. 6469 Parkland Drive | Sarasota, FL 34243