Aquaculture | Aquacultural concepts for Uzbekistan . | |
Aquastress | Mitigation of Water Stress through new Approaches to Integrating Management, Technical, Economic and Institutional Instruments. | |
ASEM | Water resources management by focussing on the five main issues: river basin management, water use efficiency in agriculture, floods, pollution, governance. | |
Eco Campus | connects actors working or studying at universities who actively support the ecological design of research, teaching, and administration at universities. | |
Elbe-DSS | Sustainable management of fluvial systems. | |
ELPOS | Criteria for persistence and long-range transport of pesticides and industrial chemicals. | |
ETAPOS | A spreadsheet model for screening assessment of overall persistence, long-range transport and bioaccumulation potential | |
For566 | Veterinary medicines in soils: basic research for risk analysis. | |
GREAT-ER | A GIS Assisted Model For Environmental Risk Assessment and Management of Chemicals in River Basins. | |
GWSP | Global Water System Project | |
Harmoni CA | Harmonised Modelling Tools for Integrated Basin Management. | |
Harmoni COP | Harmonising Collaborative Planning; understanding of participatory river basin management and planning (RBMP) in Europe. | |
SARISK | Development of a pollutant dispersal model for risk analysis and evaluation of extreme flood events exemplifying the town and district of Bitterfeld | |
MaMBIES | Mathematical Modelling of Bioinvasions and Epidemic Spread | |
MaMPFi | Mathematical Modelling of Plankton-Fish Dynamics | |
Newater | New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty. | |
PartizipA | Participative Modelling, Actor and Ecosystem Analysis in Regions with Intensive Agriculture. | |
Plastics | Plastics in the marine environment | |
PSI-Connect | Policy Science Interactions - Connecting Science and Policy through Innovative Knowledge Brokering in the field of Water Management and Climate Change. | |
Twin2Go | Coordinating twinning partnerships towards more adaptive governance in river basins. | |
VOLAMOD | Field experiments in artificial streams to develop and evaluate a model approach for volatilization of hydrocarbons and other organic pollutants from natural rivers | |
Wademed | WAter DEmand management knowledge base for the MEDiterranean. | |
Wasamed | Establish a platform for an effective dialogue on water saving in agriculture in the Mediterranean region. |
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