Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Fwd: Season Greetings from The Fountain

Subject: Season Greetings from The Fountain

 Email from Center for Sacred Studies

Greetings Dear Fountain CommUnity!


Happy Holy Days and we wish you a prosperous new year! 

As so much continues to shift and change environmentally, economically, politically, and spiritually, may we each find ways to support the regeneration and health of ourselves, our families and communities, and the Earth. As we come to the end of this 2024 year, we at The Fountain are filled with abundant gratitude

  • gratitude to our Sacred Territories, Sacred Cultures, and Sacred Economics…
  • gratitude to the Earth and all her relations: the rooted ones, the walking ones, the flying ones, the slithering ones, the swimming ones…
  • gratitude to all the Original Nations peoples whose life affirming principles and ancient wisdom will carry humanity into the future…
  • gratitude for the elementals: water, earth, fire, air, aether…
  • gratitude for the challenges that help us learn and grow…
  • gratitude to you for your beautiful presence in the world and all you do to help Life thrive…

We bow in gratitude for your support in the multitude of ways that keep our prayer flowing forward. Some bring their insights and inspirations. Some bring their services. Some bring their resources. All bring their love and dedication to Mother Earth and Her Original Caretakers. Together we are united and carry The New Dawn!!!!!

Abundant appreciation, 

Jyoti Ma, Zahra Indigo, and the whole Fountain Team!

Our Work Continues!

Should you feel called to do so please remember that year end tax deductible donations are always welcome. We are a 501(c)(3) which makes your donation a tax write off!

Donate to The Fountain today!
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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fwd: News & Notes September 2024

Sent from my iPhone 
Subject: News & Notes September 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Fwd: This is our wake-up call!


Dear Citizens ,
We are witnessing a profound and alarming shift in global governance—a shift that threatens the very foundation of freedom and democracy. Today's authoritarianism knows no boundaries, and its reach is expanding at an unprecedented pace.
Recently, London's Metropolitan Police Chief declared an intention to pursue international extradition requests against anyone who violates British social media censorship rules—even targeting American citizens.
Such actions are not isolated incidents; they are part of a broader agenda by elites who seek to control what we can read, see, and hear.
They justify this censorship by labeling dissenting voices as "misinformation," "hate speech," "far-right," or "extremist." These labels are wielded as weapons to silence opposition and stifle free expression.
Throughout history, totalitarian regimes have begun their reigns of terror with censorship. The suppression of free speech has often been the precursor to greater atrocities. It starts with silencing dissent, manipulating information, and instilling fear in those who dared to speak the truth.
This pattern is disturbingly familiar, and we must recognize it for what it is: a prelude to oppression.
We Must Not Yield
During the COVID-19 lockdowns, MI-6 labeled health freedom activists, including myself, as potential "terrorists." Yet, it is the authorities who employ fear as a tool of control, perpetuating narratives of pandemics, economic collapse, and endless wars to maintain their grip on power.
These tactics are designed to frighten us into compliance, but we must not yield.
This is a wake-up call for America and the world. We must reclaim our right to free speech and resist the creeping tide of authoritarianism. If not in America, the paragon of freedom, then where?
We owe it to ourselves, to future generations, and to the countless voices silenced by oppressive regimes throughout history. That's why we're asking for your urgent support right now.
God Bless,


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Fwd: Welcome to the VolunteerMatch Nonprofit Newsletter!

Sent from my STARS iPhone 11+max :-D))

Begin forwarded message:

 Welcome to the VolunteerMatch Nonprofit Newsletter!