Friday, November 3, 2023

Fwd: Emergency in the Heavens


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Early on October 6, 2020 at 5:29 a.m. Mountain Time, SpaceX launched another 60 satellites, to join their fellows racing through the ionized layer of air that protects us and gives us life. At about that time, a good friend of mine here in Santa Fe was awakened by a severe nosebleed. That evening, I told the grocery clerk at the checkout counter that I was feeling unusually tired. "So am I," he said.

There are now 738 satellites operating in the Starlink constellation. Except for what they can do for us -- connect us faster and faster with billions of people and machines -- everyone pretends that they are not there, that we can continue to punch holes in the air with impunity, burn prodigious amounts of fossil fuels, fill up the stratosphere with black soot, litter the night sky with moving lights, and alter the invisible electric field that connects us with the sun and stars and circulates through our bodies from birth until death.

In recent weeks, on the coast of Australia, record numbers of whales committed suicide by beaching themselves. In Botswana, hundreds of elephants suddenly collapsed and died. Here in the southwest, from Nebraska, to Colorado, to Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, to northern Mexico, millions of migrating birds have fallen dead out of the sky, emaciated, starved to death because there are no insects to eat.

Our house is burning down and no firefighters come. The source of the flames is unacknowledged, unseen. It is there, in the air, speeding from phone to phone, antenna to antenna, satellite to satellite, filling atmosphere, earth, and seas, penetrating bones and disrupting nerves of every animal, bird, insect, and tree.

And it is not because we are horrible people. It is not because of a conspiracy to destroy the world. It is because the phones in our hands demand it. On April 11, 1862, Henry Brooks Adams, grandson of the sixth American president, wrote, "I firmly believe that before many centuries more, science will be the master of man. The engines he will have invented will be beyond his strength to control. Someday science may have the existence of mankind in its power, and the human race commit suicide by blowing up the world."

That day is here. It is up to us to put out the fire, not just to protest and march and blame other people. We cannot stop the earth from burning down until we stop shooting flames from our fingers wherever we go. It is the people without cell phones who are going to lead the new environmental movement, to lead the way to a sustainable future.

Other technologies pollute inadvertently. Pesticides are intended to kill pests; the fact that they escape into the general environment is unintentional. Nuclear waste is not intended to go everywhere. Plastics are not intended to end up in the ocean. But with cell phones, the pollutant -- radiation -- is the product. Cell phones cannot work unless every square inch of the environment is irradiated. Once this becomes acceptable, nature is no longer of value.

This newsletter will be devoted to two of the engines of science that are beyond our strength to control, that have the existence of the world in their power: cell phones and plastics -- unless we wake up and stop using them.

If Neil Armstrong had brought a cell phone to the moon in 1969, it would have appeared from earth, at night, to be the brightest object in the universe in the microwave spectrum. In the daytime, the sun would have been brighter, but at night, the cell phone would have outshone every star.

There is a reason cell phones are outlawed in Green Bank, West Virginia, home of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory: even a single cell phone, even from miles away, would blind the radio astronomers there and make it impossible for them to see the stars. Astronomers measure radio waves in units called janskys. A typical star shines at 10 to 100 janskys. The Sun shines at about 500,000 janskys. When you hold a cell phone against your head, you are pumping energy at the rate of about 100,000,000,000,000,000 janskys into your brain.[1]

If we are going to save this planet, we have to be able to think and reason. And we have known since 1975 that microwave radiation damages the brain. In that year, Allan Frey published his ground-breaking article, "Neural function and behavior: defining the relationship."[2] In a study on rats, he found that low-level microwaves -- one hundred times lower than what people's brains are exposed to from their cell phones today -- damage the blood-brain barrier. This is the anatomical barrier that keeps toxic chemicals, bacteria and viruses in your blood from entering your brain. It is also the barrier that maintains the inside of your head at a constant pressure and prevents you from having a stroke.

At least twenty laboratories in many countries confirmed Frey's work over the years. Finally, in 2003, neurosurgeon Leif Salford, at Lund University in Sweden, proved the obvious: that disrupting the blood-brain barrier causes brain damage. He exposed rats to a cell phone, once for two hours, at very low power, and sacrificed them fifty days later. Two percent of the exposed rats' brain cells were damaged or destroyed.[3] He later exposed rats to a cell phone, again at very low power, for two hours once a week for a year, and found that they were cognitively impaired.[4]

And in 2020, a study has been published showing that the same thing happens in humans. A team of scientists at Heidelberg University in Germany used MRIs to examine the brains of 48 young adults between the ages of 18 and 30. They found that the more hours per day their subjects habitually spent on their smartphones, the less gray matter they had in their brains and the less brain activity was detected.[5]

My newsletter of May 20, 2020 reported on the formation of an organization for people who do not own cell phones. It is called ECHOEarth and it stands for End Cellphones Here On Earth. My newsletter of June 18, 2020 reported that Collectif Dring Dring in France had joined forces with ECHOEarth. Our joint mission is "to liberate humankind from the mobile phone. Physical and mental health, freedom, privacy, ecology, relationships... The mobile phone is a poison for each of these elements." Anyone who does not own a mobile phone can join ECHOEarth here: (in English) or here: (in French).

So far 1,250 people from 67 countries have joined ECHOEarth. We have only just begun. Please join us to save this planet.
"Plastic is choking our oceans and destroying our planet," said an article in the June 2019 issue of Adidas magazine. It went on: "Plastic is everywhere you look. It's in food packaging, electronics, cars, toys, credit cards and clothes. Plastic is also everywhere you can't look. It's littering uninhabited beaches 3,000 miles from the nearest human being, killing off the plankton that produce our oxygen kilometers beneath the surface of the ocean, and clogging the gullets of albatross chicks in the Pacific. Plastic is also moving through your body, your bloodstream, your organs and those of the people you love."

There is now more than a ton of plastic littering our planet for every person on Earth, says that article.

And when plastic bottles and bags break down, they don't disappear: they turn into what is being called "microplastics," which can persist for hundreds of years and are filling up our air, water, and soil. According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature,[6] a large portion of the microplastics in our environment come not from what we ordinarily think of as "plastic," but are fibers from synthetic clothing that wear away in our washing machines and end up in our rivers and oceans, and particles from automobile tires that wear away on our roads, wash away in the rain, and also end up in our rivers and oceans.

According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, at the present rate of accumulation, there will be more plastics by weight than fish in our oceans by the year 2048.[7]

It was estimated that between 5 and 13 million metric tons of plastic entered the oceans in 2010, and it was projected that this would increase to between 100 and 250 metric tons per year by 2025.[8] All that plastic does not just float on top of the water, it is mixed throughout the ocean and even has been getting deposited in sediments on the ocean floor. A study from Australia that was just published on October 5, 2020 analyzed deep-sea sediments hundreds of kilometers from the Australian shore and found up to 13 fragments of plastic in every gram of sediment they analyzed.[9]

And the world's plastics are not just ending up in the oceans. We are also breathing them. Scientists at King's College sampled the air on a nine-story-high riverside rooftop and estimated that an average of 771 particles of plastic were falling from the air everyday onto every square meter of London.[10] Janice Brahney, from Utah State University, collected both air and rain samples in national parks and wilderness areas of the United States, and found that an average of 132 particles of plastic were being deposited out of the atmosphere everyday on every square meter of protected U.S. western lands. Many of the particles were small enough to have been transported hundreds or thousands of miles from their place of origin.[11]

A team of German scientists found incredible amounts of plastic even in snow in the Swiss and Bavarian Alps, and in the Arctic. Arctic snow contained an average of 1,760 particles of plastic per liter of snow, with one site containing over 14,000 plastic particles per liter. At one site in the Bavarian Alps there were 154,000 particles of plastic in a liter of snow.[12]

Cell phones are made of plastic. We throw them away by the billions.

On December 21, 2018, I organized and funded a lawsuit against the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico; the State of New Mexico; and the United States of America, to restore the constitutional rights of the people of the United States. We are challenging the constitutionality of a City ordinance, a State law, and Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

These laws, and laws like them all over the world, effectively mandate the placement of antennas on the streets and sidewalks in front of homes and businesses, while depriving injured people of any means of protest, or any remedy for their injuries.

These laws violate:

  • the First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech;
  • the First Amendment Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances;
  • the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment Right not to be deprived of Life, Liberty or Property without Due Process of Law;
  • the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment Right not to have property taken without Just Compensation. 

On May 6, 2020, the District Court dismissed our complaint, and we immediately filed an appeal in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. The case is Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety v. City of Santa Fe, Case No. 20-2066. Oral argument has not yet been scheduled.

This is the only case of its kind in the United States. Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act prohibits States and local governments from regulating cell towers on the basis of their health or environmental effects. This is a vitally important lawsuit. Donations are always welcome. 
Arthur Firstenberg
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
August 11, 2020

The last 10 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading
and sharing on the
Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force.
Some of the newsletters are also available there in
German, Spanish, Italian, and French.
[1] 1 jansky = 10-26 W/m2/Hz. The values given are for cell phone frequencies.
[2] Frey AH et al. 1975. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 247:433-39.
[3] Salford L et al. 2003. "Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones." Environmental Health Perspectives 111(7):881-83.
[4] Nittby H et al. 2008. "Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation. Bioelectromagnetics 29:219-32.
[5] Horvath J et al. 2020. Structural and functional correlates of smartphone addiction. Addictive Behaviors 105:106334.
[6] Boucher J, Friot D 2017. Primary Plastics in the Oceans: A Global Evaluation of Sources. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
[7] Ellen MacArthur Foundation and New Plastic Economy, 2017. The new plastics
economy: rethinking the future of plastics & catalysing action.

[8] Jambeck JR et al. 2015. "Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean." Science 347: 768-71.
[9] Barrett J et al. 2020. "Microplastic pollution in deep-sea sediments from the Great Australian Bight." Frontiers in Marine Science 7:576170.
[10] Wright SL et al. 2020. "Atmospheric microplastic deposition in an urban environment and an evaluation of transport." Environment International 136:105411.
[11] Brahney J et al. 2020. "Plastic rain in protected areas of the United States." Science 368:1257-60.
[12] Bergmann M et al. 2019. "White and wonderful? Microplastics prevail in snow
from the Alps to the Arctic." Science Advances 5:eaax1157.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Fw: Events Bulletin - November 2023

November Events Bulletin

Creating Community, Connection & Consciousness

Welcome to EAN for New Members

Friday, November 3
10:00 – 11:00 am PT / 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET

This one hour gathering for new members of EAN will be an in-depth introduction to the different areas of our Elder Action Groups and an opportunity to meet other Elders and EAN volunteer leaders, ask questions and determine how you might like to get involved.


Building Community: Having Real Conversations

Wednesday, November 8
10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET

Good questions build good conversations, and good conversations build community. As elders we want to have real conversations with others, but how do  we do that when everything feels  so polarized? Join us for a glimpse into why conversations get derailed and then experience for yourself what a difference a Living Room Conversation can make!


Let's Talk About It: "The New Age of Aging"

Wednesday, November 15
1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET

Age Wave, one of the nation's foremost thought leaders on the implications of aging just released a landmark study on aging. What is old? What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? Join us in a robust conversation about this recent survey as we unpack what it means to be a modern elder.


The Empowered Elder

Monday, November 20
9:00 am PT / 12:00 pm ET

In this hour long webinar we will explore the question "How do we consciously step into our roles as elders?" You will join with others to explore ways we can all be in the world as elders in service to life. During this webinar you will also learn about what it means to be an Empowered Elder and an upcoming EAN workshop.

Elders Climate Action

Electrify Your Life
Tuesday, November 14

4:00-5:30 pm PT / 7:00-8:30 pm ET


Brian Stewart, co-founder of Electrify Now, joins us to discuss how our personal energy choices can help to accelerate this transition. Learn how all-electric homes and vehicles are safer, healthier, have a lower cost to operate and are a powerful way to reduce carbon emissions. 


Our individual actions are a critical part of building a clean energy future: this workshop will help you to understand what you can do NOW, and the incentives and resources that are available to help you take action. In small group sessions you'll have a chance to strategize with others about electrifying your life.

Elders for Sound Democracy

Town Hall Meeting with Featured Speaker Bill McKibben
Wednesday, November 15

10:00 – 11:30 am PT / 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET


What is the essential connection between climate action and working for a strong democracy? To get answers to that and other relevant questions, join us on November 15 at our monthly community meeting when we have Bill McKibben as our featured guest. He is one the most respected and influential environmental activists, who was instrumental in founding, and has written numerous books. Bill is the Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In September 2021, he launched Third Act and is mobilizing climate change activists, who are "experienced Americans" over sixty, to protect the climate and strengthen democracy.

Elders for Social Justice (ESJ)

Monthly Meeting
Thursday, November 16
9:00 – 10:30 am PT / 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET


Work For Justice, But Pause to Express Gratitude

We are aware that atrocious, inhumane events are happening both at home and abroad. Because of this, it is crucial to recognize that our efforts are leading to the change we seek and express gratitude for the goodness that pervades our community. Join us in sharing and witnessing our meaningful work this year.

Taking Action to Confront Authoritarianism

Thursdays, November 9 & 30
9:00 - 10:30 am PT / 12:00 - 1:30 pm ET


We'll continue exploring what actions that we, as elders, can take to push back against extremist attacks. We're focusing on right-wing efforts to undermine public education, including restricting curricula, punishing discussion of targeted topics, and eliminating programs (like DEI) that make a school environment safe and welcoming for all students.

Elders for Regenerative Living

Celebrating the Holidays with Intention

Friday, November 17
10:00–11:00 am PT / 1:00–2:00 pm ET


We know that the holiday season, from Thanksgiving to January 1, creates more waste and environmental damage than all the rest of the year. Why? Because we tend to celebrate by over consuming. We are encouraged to think more is better; more gifts, more food, and more "stuff". Plastic is a serious problem but avoidable. From Black Friday forward, we are encouraged to shop til we drop. This season let's make the holidays full of meaning, fun, thoughtful gift giving and careful food selection, considering the impact of our choices on the environment. It's the perfect time to recreate, renew, and reuse. Bring your ideas to share and let's prepare for the best holidays ever.

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 Elders Action Network
9012 Village View Dr
San Jose, CA 95135
United States 

Fw: Awake in the Wild Teacher Training

Awake in the Wild Teacher Training
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I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beauty and quietude of the autumn season.

As you may have read in my announcements these last few months, I recently taught at two Awake in the Wild Teacher Training retreats, one in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to conclude the 2023 US training program and one to begin my 2023-2024 program in Europe. I feel delighted and rejuvenated from the rich contemplative time outdoors and inspired by these new groups of nature lovers who will be sharing and teaching these nature meditation practices to their own groups.

So I am very happy to say that I am accepting applications to my seventh Awake in the Wild Teacher Training, a ten-month program designed to give you the tools to teach meditation in the outdoors. And, for those who apply before December 1, I am offering a discount on your tuition.

The 2023 US Awake in the Wild Teacher Training.
The 2023-2024 European Awake in the Wild Teacher Training.
The Awake in the Wild Teacher Training draws on my 20+ years of leading nature meditation retreats, nature-based sensory awareness practices, Buddhist-inspired mindfulness meditation, and my book, Awake in the Wild. All this has helped me create a teacher training program uniquely qualified to prepare you for the joys and challenges of teaching outdoors in any natural setting.

The program starts in September 2024 with an in-person training retreat and includes three other in-person training retreats the following January, April and July of 2024. There will also be online meetings with me between retreats, reading assignments, and home practice designed to clarify your practice and build your skills as a teacher.

A central component of the program is the amazing learning community that is created between the students. People from past trainings have formed deep and lasting friendships as well collaborative teaching relationships. Students learn much from the depth and experience of each other as they learn to practice and teach nature meditation.

I've seen firsthand how powerful this training program can be and how it can help launch people doing wonderful nature-based contemplative work all over the globe.

To learn more, please visit

For those wishing to deepen their understanding of nature-based mindfulness practice and those wishing to learn how to share these profound practices, I  hope you consider joining the Awake in the Wild Teacher Training program. 

And if you know someone who would be a good candidate for this practice, please feel free to share this with them.

Awake in the Wild Teacher Training

with Mark Coleman
September 2024 - July 2025
Click the Image Above for a Video Overview of the
Awake in the Wild Teacher Training

The Awake in the Wild Teacher Training is a thorough training in guiding mindfulness-based nature meditation practice. Nature meditation brings mindful awareness practices into the outdoors as a support for presence, connection, awe and insight. Mark is excited to share this cherished work with a group of dedicated nature meditation practitioners that will give them tools to begin to share similar practices with others.


This program will have four residential nature-based learning retreats with Mark: two retreats are in California, one is in the mountain forests of New Mexico, and one is in the desert of Baja California, Mexico. There will also be monthly online tutorials, personal nature-based work, and a teaching practicum. Please join Mark and a fabulous cohort of like-minded trainees who will provide strong support for the learning experience.

Learn More and Apply
Learn More and Apply
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143 Girard Avenue
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